China is a , its level has been among the best in the world. With the of the times, China has its doors to all over the world, and more and more to come to China for study and study.
A few days ago, the house many ‘ on the in China, and I will give you a brief here.
Just , the of to China has been again. At , some / have X1 long-term study visas and S1 long-term visas in China. Those who are to come to China can now start the .
First of all, we know that there is a for in China. need to meet the .
1. 申请人是中国国籍之外的其他国家公民,持有效外国护照,身体健康,品行端正,遵守中国政府的法律、法规和学校的规章制度
1.The is a of a other than , holds a valid , is in good and has good , and by the laws and of the and the rules and of the
2. 如果曾经是中国公民,现为国外移民,已经获得国外国籍身份,需要出具放弃中国国籍身份的有效证明
If you used to be a , are now an , and have , you need to issue a valid of of
3. HSK(汉语水平考试)六级,达到180分,需要具备5000中文单词词汇量
HSK ( Test) CET-6, 180 , a of 5000 words
by in China
The and of the Form for Visa to China for (JW201 or JW202) by the units (these two are not for short-term study or study and stay in China for no more than 6 )
6. 申请攻读硕士学位研究生须具有学士学位;申请攻读博士学位研究生须具有硕士学位,学士学位获得者也可以申请直接攻读理工科博士学位
for a ‘s must have a ‘s ; for must have a ‘s , and ‘s can also apply for in and
Among the above six , it is to meet the score of 180 in CET-6 of HSK ( Test), but I that can their goals their usual and of book .
Next, the house will to you the to apply for a visa and the to apply for a study visa.
to apply for a visa in China:
②中国签证申请表 visa form
③符合要求的照片 that meet the
④第三国公民需提供居留证明 of third need to
⑤如有更改姓名,提供证明 If there is any of name, proof
⑥如有换发签证,提供原中国签证材料等 If there is a visa , the visa , etc.
for for a study visa in China:
1. 中国境内招收单位出具的录取通知书原件及复印件;
The and of the by the unit in China;
2. 《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201或JW202表)原件及复印件。
and of Form for Visa for (JW201 or JW202).
(这里有一个重点请注意,X2字签证不需要提交《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201或JW202表)原件及复印件)(There is a key point here. note that X2 visa does not need to the and of the Form for Visa to China for (JW201 or JW202))
It is a rare to study in China, and is also a that and . , I that the vast of who dream of in China for a long time and up a new world will be able to learn and excel!
Here, the house also all that they need to be when visas to China. Don’t trust some to avoid being visas. Some don’t even know the of the ! , when for a visa to trade money, we must be to avoid into a trap.
The above is all the by the house. If there are any about visas to China and visas for to study in China, you can leave a to the house or send a to the house at any time! The visa home, which has been on visas for years, will know !