To avoid your China visa being , out the best to the in the form. Here are some tips for out a Visa Form.
1. The form must be out .
1. 申请表必须在网上填写。
need to fill out the form on China Visa , and then print it out. -sided will not be . Note that the must sign it. to the right and city where , , or China Visa (CVASC) which hold over your .
2. Major of Visit
2. 访问的主要目的
2.1A Types of visa and major of your visit to China: the most item and make sure it with your . If your is for , just one major .第2.1A节签证的类型和你来中国的主要目的:选择最合适的项目,并确保它与你的申请文件相匹配。如果你的旅行有多种目的,只需选择一个主要目的。
3. of Stay
3. 逗留时间
2.2B of stay (days): For L, M, and F visas, the of stay is 30-60 days. For S2 and Q2 visa, it from 30 to 120 days. Z, X, Q1, and S1 visas may allow a stay . Fill in the box to your need.第2.2B条最长停留时间(天): 对于L、M和F签证,停留时间通常为30-60天。对于S2和Q2签证,从30到120天不等。Z、X、Q1和S1签证可能允许更长的停留时间。请根据您的实际需要在方框内填写。
4. of
4. 计划中的入境次数
2.2C of : Most only need one entry valid for 3 . Note that all Z, X1, S1, and Q1 visas are only as entry. If you apply for an L, F, M, X2, S2, or Q2 visa, you may -entry, -entry, or . the one that best meets your needs. The final is left to the ‘s . , the more , the the visa fee.
5. 目前的职业
3.1A & 3.3 Work : If you “Self-“, do not leave 3.3 blank. You need to this with the name of your and the of it. If you are at , on your . If you are a , you can fill in the box in 3.3 with None ().第3.1A节当前职业和第3.3节工作经验: 如果您选择“自雇”,请不要让第3.3节空白。您需要在此部分填写您的企业名称,并说明企业的性质。如果您目前没有工作,请提供您以前的雇主信息。如果您是家庭主妇,您可以在第3.3节的方框内填写无(家庭主妇)。
6. Date of in China
6. 抵达中国的预定日期
6.1A date of : Make sure that the date is not than the date you are to the visa. If your will be as the , the date is with it.
6.1J, 6.1K, 6.1M, 6.1L, 6.1N: In this , do not to Tibet and you may go there. If you apply for a visa, you need to of , , and . For this , you are to book hotel rooms in . After you get the visa, it’s fine to your and the .
8. Other
In 8 which acts as check, you need to the , China visa , , , etc. is in these ; you may in the .