[精华]加拿大葡萄酒四大产区加拿大葡萄酒四大产区Four major sites of vine in 一、 安大略产区 () 加拿大安大略省的尼亚加拉()半岛,是冰酒的最佳产地之一。尼亚拉加湖边小镇的葡萄美酒更是甜美香醇。现在加拿大特产酒,仅安大略就有超过45家的葡萄酒厂生产冰酒,1999年的冰酒产量就超过30万升。安大略省的葡萄酒产量占了全加拿大葡萄酒的80%。 安大略冰酒之所以身价高贵,还跟它屡次在各种国际大赛中赢得最高奖项有绝大关系。从因内斯基林酒厂1989年生产的维达尔冰酒,在1991年波尔多国际葡萄酒博览会赢得最高大奖起,安大略冰酒就成就了她酒中极品的美名,各国的收藏家也对她竞相追逐。 of , is one of the sits for ice wine. The wine in the small town on the side of Lake is even more and . , there are more than 45 ice wine in whose in 1999 300,000 . The of vine from takes up 80% of whole .The – ice wine its high place from the . Ever since 1991 when Vidal ice wine by in 1989 won the prize in Vine Expo, ice wine is with the of great wine and great among from . 二、 魁北克省产区 (,简称魁省) 魁北克省占加拿大国土总面积的五分之一。
加拿大的魁北克地区具有气候寒冷,且持续时间长的特点,具备了生产冰酒的自然条件。魁北克就有一个专门从事冰酒工艺研究的单位,对冰酒的生产和饮用不断地提出新的实验依据和探讨。生产出了大名鼎鼎的冰酒。 魁北克省内的陆奥肯那根()是冰酒()的主要产区。, 1/5 of land area, to be to the rigid cold for a long in a year, an ideal place for ice wine . There is a for ice wine in up new of and on the and of ice wine. of is the main area of ice wine in . 三、 新斯科细亚 (Nova ) 新斯科细亚是加拿大大西洋四省之一,是加拿大著名的苹果产区之一。
沿海盛产大龙虾、鳕鱼和扇贝类海鲜,是加拿大最大的渔业基地之一。新斯科舍省内拜尔河边Bear River与比弗河边 River以及温莎是葡萄种植与生产的地点,河边也开始种植一些年幼的葡萄树。 Nova is one of four of as well as one of the sites of in . With of , cod , shell and other sea foods, it is also the fiery base in . Along Bear River, River and are the main sites in Nova . Some grape are by the of too .四、 不列颠哥伦比亚 ( ,简称BC省) 该省位处加国西岸加拿大特产酒,是加拿大第三大省。
卑诗省的奥肯那根( )是加拿大葡萄酒的主要产区之一。除了奥肯那根,还有森米卡明谷地,菲沙河谷和温哥华岛都是BC省的葡萄酒产区。这里干燥炎热的夏季和长时间的日晒造就了品质非凡,获誉甚多的优良红葡萄酒和白葡萄酒。 on the west side of , is the third in . of is one of the main vine sites in . Apart from , there are , and among other sites. The dry and and there have made for the well red wines and white wines.